
GUAQ’s base monitor includes dual-reference sensors for temperature, pressure, humidity, particulate matter (0.3 - 10), carbon dioxide, and volatile organic compounds. Based on an initial consultation, we customize your devices with only the additional sensors your business needs. As more sensors come to market our device can automatically integrate with new technologies at a fraction of the cost of purchasing entirely new hardware. 

We currently support the following add-on sensors:
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Ethanol / Alcohol analog (C2H6O)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
Ozone (O3)
Respiratory Irritant Index

Please let us know if you have any additional pollutants you would like to monitor.


Curated Reports

Throughout a monitoring period, we continuously analyze and summarize data to identify hotspots and trends throughout your building. We maintain continuous logs according to ESG and OSHA industry standards. Based on these analyses and findings, we regularly present our clients with options and recommendations to improve their air quality. Automated reports are also generated for ESG & OSHA compliance.

How it works

Based on an initial consultation, we diagnose your space for the most effective locations of our devices. We have a completely hands-off installation process and currently support customers through the greater DMV region.



Platform cost

Pricing for commercial-grade devices is often too expensive for businesses to consider. GUAQ offers affordable price points to ensure your business can monitor air quality for the first time.

In-Class Service

We work directly with each customer from the initial engagement to their continued use of our services. We help them create air quality ESG guidelines and continuously ensure that they are satisfying them through our curated reports.

Notification Service

Get notifications and alerts sent right to your phone when pollutant levels become concerningly high.


Data Analytics

 In a B2B model, the most underserved opportunity within indoor air quality monitoring is easy-to-understand and actionable analytics. We provide both custom reports and recommendations for purchasing decisions and mitigation strategies.


Air quality monitors are constrained to their initial design or a predetermined set of sensors. In a market where technology is constantly improving sensor offerings, we are the best poised monitor to accommodate emerging developments.

Long-Lasting Device

For other air quality monitoring solutions, sensors tend to stop working after around eighteen months to two years. Rather than requiring the purchase of new devices entirely, GUAQ sensors can be easily replaced on existing monitors for a fifth of the cost.

ESG Overview



Energy consumption is one of the costliest environmental impacts for businesses. Through a cutting-edge software program, air quality data can demonstrate more efficient processes to limit energy usage and curtail your carbon footprint.

GUAQ’s monitoring technology runs continuously in order to detect anomalies versus the Building Management System, providing actionable recommendations, and setting adjustments all while running in the background.

As we shift into a new digital age where businesses are expected and soon required to track energy consumption, our platform is ideal to help identify issues before they become a problem and give you the tools to improve your environmental profile as quickly as possible.



Your workplace is one of the most important social factors for your employees. Employees bestow trust to their employer to work in a safe and healthy environment. As air quality becomes top of mind for many employees along with a majority of the workforce returning to in-person work it has become increasingly important for businesses to invest in transparent air quality monitoring. 

Our platform is able to measure air quality vitals including temperature, humidity, air pressure along with volatile organic compounds, particulate matter (PM 0.3 - 10), and gases including carbon dioxide (CO2). We translate in real-time the levels of each pollutant, how they compare to optimal levels, and recommendations if any anomalies are detected. We also provide descriptions of each pollutant and live notifications if anything is detected.



Increasing amounts of regulations and certifications require businesses to continuously monitor their air quality data and keep easy to access logs on all recorded information. Quality data is important to accessing ESG and further information for the building, infrastructure, and safety metrics. 

 Our platform is able to maintain these continuous logs for you, filter by certification and requirement, and be easily exported for your business’ continued needs.

Learn More

For more information, inquiries regarding how we can fit in with your business, requests for a demo, or a pricing breakdown, please contact us at or fill out a form here.