Software Developer Embedded

Software Developer Embedded

Position Description

Cross disciplinary role with a primary focus on code for and supporting the GUAQ monitor. The role will include designing and implementing on-device functionalities to advance the performance and feature set of our namesake environmental monitoring device. Previous embedded experience is not absolutely necessary. We use MicroPython for development and as such our development environment makes it pretty painless to work in the embedded space without detailed background in C and assembly or device specific experience. Past experience with embedded programming is not strictly required, but is desirable.

As the GUAQ monitor is a complex system, there are a variety of subdomains that can involve specific skills and warrant particular attention.

Subdomains include:

  • Networking

  • Sensor operation

  • Hardware integration

  • Runtime optimization

  • Device state management


Required Qualifications:

  • 2+ years general programming experience

  • Familiarity with Python 3.x

  • Experience in problem solving and debugging

  • Coursework pertaining to “Data Structures and Algorithms”

  • Strong mathematics and problem solving skills

Preferred Qualifications

  • 6+ years general programming experience

  • Familiarity with C++/C

  • Experience with MicroPython

  • Experience with basic circuits and electronics

  • Experience with writing code for embedded/low resource devices

  • Experience with environmental sensing devices of any kind

How to Apply

Fill out the google form application and we'll be in touch soon! Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions or concerns.