Community Update
Globally Unified Air Quality is committed to keeping you up to date with key air quality news from around the world. Stay updated on our company progress and air quality monitoring effort!
Company Updates
We are excited to announce that GUAQ will be participating in the Halcyon Incubator this September. In the incubator, we will continue to work towards our mission of distributing industry-leading air quality monitors with guidance from Halcyon's mentors and coaches. We aim to further expand our reach into more communities in need. Huge thank you to Halcyon for providing us with this opportunity and congratulations to the other fellows in the program.
In addition to this business venture, the GUAQ team has continued to make progress on the technical fronts. Last month, our software team introduced the settings page into the mobile application. Since then, the team has been working hard to enhance the page to provide individuals with maximal control of their data and viewing preferences. We are adding additional settings as well as more advanced device management features, including device renaming and status info. Have any features you would like to see in the app? Give us your input!
Air Quality News
Air Pollution’s Invisible Toll on Your Health
June 28, 2021
“Children, pregnant women, the elderly and those with pre-existing heart or lung disease are the most vulnerable.”
Legacy of toxic leaded petrol lingers in air in London, study finds
June 21, 2021
"While levels are much lower than at their peak in the 1980s, they remain far above natural background levels. Lead is extremely poisonous and there is no safe amount of exposure.”
The particles, gases and organisms in wildfire smoke — and what they mean for your health
June 5, 2021
“A recent review found that wildfires were linked to increased ER visits for respiratory problems, asthma and COPD-related visits, more hospital admissions for cardiovascular events and even higher mortality.”